Thailand Chiang Mai A Lisu gathering in Mae Taeng

A Lisu gathering in Mae Taeng as there are in Northern Thailand yearly, is often international these gatherings attract Lisus people from all over the world. From places, they migrated when they were under threat in Tibet by the Salween river and in some other regions in China like Yunnan.

Many hill tribes migrated also mostly seven but there are others. The main hill tribes that live in Thailand in small or bigger proportions are the Lisu, Mhong, Karen, Shan, Akha, Lahu and Palong.

The Kingdom of Thailand gave them lands by allocating to families parcels of lands they could regularize and own later. To be able as refugees to feed themselves, their families and their descendants and perpetuate their life traditions, work, and survival sometimes very unfairly treated by some unscrupulous people-owners or mafia masters practising slavery. Not so many nations give away lands to refugees like hundred of thousands of people then.

In 2003 there were thirty-four thousand Lisu in Thailand and close to two hundred thousand Karens out of camps like the two main camps in Northern Thailand in Mae Hong Son and Mae Sot by the Burmese or Myanmar border.

Today the Lisu entering Thailand by Myanmar have been or converted to Christianity in Myanmar and traditions have a big tendency to disappear being absorbed like the Pi Thong Luang (banana leaves people) unfortunately were. Unfortunately, the Lisu suffer and the religion is being shaken and twisted by some who find advantages in doing so like powerful corrupted and intertwined Mafias.

It's a shame original Lisu are lovable people they are hard-working straight and forward have a word and are unfearful and strong due to their lives and in the mountains, as they were in the Himalayas. That's why kingdoms from different dynasties used to appreciate who the Lisu were and are also, unfearful fighters smiling and caring but tough.

A Happy New Year 2023+ to my wife, son, the Lisu hill tribe and all the other hill tribes and minorities all over the world from North to South and East to West from the North Pole to down-under!